Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by putting your phone in a martini shaker and leaving the internet forever.
Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by removing all the yellow ink from your printer’s cartridge with a syringe.
Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by posting under an assumed identity.
Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by convincing Facebook that you are at least 120 years old & drive a pink car.
Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by putting electrical tape over everybody else’s webcams too.
Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by only appearing in public wearing a photorealistic 3d printed mask of Richard D. James’ face over your own face.
Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by clicking on a thai death metal video & letting autoplay follow that connection in the background for a week.
Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by legally changing your name to “;drop table users;
Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by proving all those stock photos right about hackers wearing black ski masks when typing.
Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by getting a new, asymmetrical haircut and some temporary face tattoos of eyes.
Monday is Data Privacy Day. Celebrate by replacing your wardrobe with loose jumpsuits printed with hundreds of GAN-generated faces.